Global developmental delay

Author: Gunja Bharkhada

What is Global Developmental Delay?

When a child is delayed in learning to talk, motor skills like crawling, sitting up and interacting with people socially and emotionally. This might even cause some behavioural and emotional difficulties and the child would need immediate support and help. GDD is curable but differentiating it from other disorders becomes difficult and should be treated and paid attention to. A professional can help you differentiate and get you the right help. GDD can be caused by multiple factors and can be prevented by taking care of some factors. Some Developmental delays are temporary, and a child might develop skills later, compared to other children. Some Developmental delays can be permanent. In some cases, after the age of 5 when a child is eligible for IQ tests, it is shown that 3% of children are diagnosed with intellectual disability.

According to Indian Academy of Paediatrics Board, “GDD is defined as a significant delay in two or more of the following developmental domains: gross/fine motor, speech/language, cognition, social/personal, and activities of daily living.”

These are the normal stages of a child to develop motor and language skills. Children with developmental disabilities have greater risk of developing emotional and behavioural issues compared to other children of their age. These problems can be complex and difficult for parents. At early age parents play huge role in development of their child, it is important to keep a note not just of their physical development but also parents are the best predictors of their child’s emotional a behavioural problem as they can also be the symptoms of global developmental delay and immediate care is required.

Signs and Symptoms of GDD.

When a child is too late to develop skills like

  1. Conversing for their immediate needs.
  2. Learning and developing more slowly than other children the same age.
  3. Rolling over, sitting up, crawling, or walking much later than developmentally appropriate.
  4. Difficulty communicating or socializing with others.
  5. Lower than average scores on IQ tests.
  6. Difficulties talking or talking late.
  7. Having problems remembering things.
  8. Inability to connect actions with consequences.
  9. Difficulty with problem-solving or logical thinking.
  10. Trouble learning in school.
  11. Inability to do everyday tasks like getting dressed or using the restroom without help.
  12. They don’t respond to loud noises.


7 months babble and make many other speech sounds and sit up using support.
10 months babble and it resembles household language and can crawl
12 months baby can speak one word independently and can pull themselves up to stand using support
24 months They can form sentences and walk independently

Causes of Global Developmental Delay:

  1. Environmental factors like drinking contaminated water or unhygienic habits of parents.
  2. Difficulties in pregnancy, medical or stress.
  3. Mother is exposed to toxins, drinking alcohol, smoking or passive smoking while conceiving a baby.
  4. Physical injuries in early childhood like accidents or throwing the baby in the air.
  5. Prenatal infections like meningitis, etc.
  6. Physical Neglect of a child.
  7. Deprivation of food and environment.
  8. Lack of oxygen in early childhood is like being exposed to an unhealthy environment.
  9. Premature birth.
  10. Genetic or hereditary conditions like Down syndrome.
  11. Metabolic disorders like phenylketonuria (PKU)
  12. Trauma to the brain, such as shaken baby syndrome.
  13. Severe psychosocial trauma.
Early diagnosis and providing the right treatment to the child at the right time can help them attain their full potential and will help them avoid issues in adulthood. There are similarities between autism and GDD, it is important to go to a specialist and child should get proper attention. If not treated at earlier stage, it can also cause ID (Intellectual Disabilities)

Therapies that can help children.

Occupational Therapy

This can address fine motor skills, sensory processing and self-help issues.

Speech and Language Therapy

Speech therapy is typically used to address problems in the areas of understanding and producing language and speech sounds.

Early Childhood Special Education

Early childhood special education provides stimulation for early developmental skills, including play skills.

Behavioural therapy

This may be needed in some children for behavioural difficulties that affect socially appropriate behaviors.


Early diagnosis and providing the right treatment to the child at the right time can help them attain their full potential and will help them avoid issues in adulthood. There are similarities between autism and GDD, it is important to go to a specialist and child should get proper attention. If not treated at earlier stage it can also cause ID. (Intellectual Disabilities)

REFERENCES: (n.d.). Retrieved January 13, 2023, from
Health, written by N. (2021, August 31). Understanding global developmental delay (GDD) in children. Narayana Health Care. Retrieved January 13, 2023, from
Developmental delay: Causes, symptoms, & therapies. Causes, Symptoms, & Therapies | SSM Health. (n.d.). Retrieved January 23, 2023, from

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