
Wellness Mental Health is an integral and essential component of health. It is fundamental to our collective and individual ability as humans to think, emote, interact with each other, earn a living and enjoy life. On this basis, the promotion, protection and restoration of mental health can be regarded as a vital concern of individuals, […]

Mental Health : Time to talk

Mental Health : Time to talk Mental health issues are nothing to be ashamed of or to hide. Stigma persists because we misunderstand mental health issues. We think mental health issues are somehow volitional, but people don’t intentionally develop mental health problems. So, let’s change this approach by starting a conversation because it’s OK to […]

Suicide and Self -Harm

Suicide and Self – Harm According to WHO data, the age standardized suicide rate in India is 16.4 per 100,000 for women (6th highest in the world) and 25.8 for men (ranking 22nd).There could be many reasons behind a person committing suicide. Poor mental health care system in India is linked to the high suicide […]

School And Mental Health

School And Mental Health Mental health encompasses the ability to cope with life’s challenges, social, emotional, and behavioural health. Mental health issues are linked to negative outcomes such as academic and behaviour problems, dropping out, and delinquency.School mental health services are essential for creating and sustaining safe schools. It is vital to improve the physical […]

Do friends influence your career decisions?

Do stories encourage honesty in children? – Diya Jain Students are usually expected to work after college. This progression from a college environment to a work environment requires many discussions and intensive preparations. One has to make major career and future occupational and educational decisions during this transition (Krake, 2002). Making career decisions at the […]

Impact of Addictive Online Games on Youngsters

Impact of Addictive Online Games on Youngsters Written by: Harshita Agarwal Talking about the present conditions where everyone is restricted to stay within the four walls, internet and technology are major sources of entertainment. Not only children but even adults are constantly using their cell phones by scrolling through various kinds of videos, posts, or […]

Do stories encourage honesty in children?

Do stories encourage honesty in children? Author: Inara Lalani Raising children right is very crucial for a society’s future. To raise honest citizens, several things are put into play. This starts from home, from family, and is further carried on by agents of socialization including schools and other sectors of society. One of the most […]

Love – A Universal Emotion

Love – A Universal Emotion Author: Mahak Chopra There are 8 basic emotions that every human experiences. Love is one of them. There is no clear definition of love. Love has different meanings in different relationships. Love is also found in our relationships with parents, friendship, towards god, siblings and in our own self. It’s […]